Our Members
Our members are leading law firms in their respective jurisdictions or areas, experts in their fields of practice, with in-depth local market knowledge.
Accustomed to working with national and global clients, they are able to provide full range of legal services.
Their familiarity with multi-jurisdictional projects and matters allows them to add value to clients’ transactions cost effectively.
Many of the lawyers in our network have trained and worked in countries other than their own and are therefore capable of providing legal services in fluent English and other languages.
We welcome inquiries from qualified applicants. If your firm is interested in being considered for membership in EALG, please apply.
Benefits of Membership
There are many benefits of being a member in EALG. The greatest benefit of membership is the comfort that our member firms gain from knowing that they have trusted, pre-screened, professional colleagues located all over the world, many of whom they have come to know personally from their attendance at EALG meetings, and all of whom abide by an agreed set of service standards and are readily available to assist them and their clients with their legal needs outside of their own local jurisdictions.
Membership in EALG comes with many significant benefits, including:
Membership Criteria
In order to become a member, firms have to demonstrate that they meet the highest standards of ethics and quality service, and that their membership will represent an added value to EALG.
Candidates for membership in EALG must generally be full-service business law firms with depth and expertise in a variety of core practice areas, including corporate, banking, finance and commercial law, taxation, mergers and acquisitions (and related transactional experience), real estate, commercial litigation and dispute resolution, and a range of other business-related practices, such as employment and labor law and intellectual propertyand technology.
Generally, there is only one EALG member firm in each major business jurisdiction, although we do have a few jurisdictions with more than one member. A large country may have several distinct business jurisdictions and thus have more than one EALG member firm. All member firms are independent law firms. They are not affiliated in the practice of law, except in certain rare instances.
Candidates for membership are asked to complete a Prospective Member Profile and Application Form, which is reviewed by the EALG Management Committee. This form allows the Management Committee to gather important comparative information about prospective members. If the Management Committee approves the candidate firm, the representatives of the firm will be invited to next general meeting to introduce the firm to the members. The members vote for accepting the firm as a member.
While we prefer applicants that do not belong to other international legal associations, EALG permits its member firms to hold memberships in more than one legal network. Member firms are not precluded from making referrals to other lawyers and law firms that are not members of EALG. They are, however, encouraged to consider other EALG members when a referral situation arises. EALG and its members all recognize that the best interests of the client are always paramount, and that all lawyers have a professional obligation in any referral situation to choose the firm and lawyer that will best serve the client’s interests.
New member firms pay a joining fee at the time that they become a member, and all member firms pay annual dues. In addition, each year the organization holds two general meetings. Attendance at least one of the General Meetings each year is required. A registration fee is charged for each meeting to cover meeting costs.