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Supreme Court's Stance on Applicability of Agreements Conferring Juris
The Supreme Court recently ruled that as the applicability of the EU Brussels I Regulation is undisputed, the effectiveness of an agreement conferring jurisdiction must be decided based on Article 23 of the regulation (now Article 25 of the EU Brussels Ia Regulation)....
Newsletter | Afik&Co. Attorneys and Notary No.254
Article: When a Bank Meets a Red Flag and Settles the Account with You/ Tal Schiller...
Newsletter | Afik&Co. Attorneys and Notary No.253
Article:A story on a Maritime Waybill and a Captain with a (Moldy) Wooden Leg /Doron Afik, Esq...
Newsletter | Afik&Co. Attorneys and Notary No.252
Article: The Right to Terminate a Distribution Agreement in Israel / Yaniv Friedhof, Adv...