In a recent episode of Fordham University's Business and Law series, attorney Lisa Liu discusses...
Disney names Wendy's, Five Below and Domino's among 9 new retailers for Flamingo Crossings Town Center Project (USA)
Counsel Peter Figdor recently secured a 10.5-year lease with a five- year renewal for client BBQ Sensations...
Working from home – where do you stand? (UK)
Under new government guidance, you should work from home if you can effectively do so. However, some...
What the new lockdown means for businesses, employees and workers. (UK)
The third lockdown in England legally came into force on 6 January 2021. How long it will last is uncertain...
Afik News No.325 (Israel)
An article on the importance of using an experienced lawyer from a reputable firm, who holds professional insurance...