2020 20.05

1. What do you Do when you Wake Up in the Morning?/Shelly Wilner, Adv.

An article on the liability for defamation for sharing posts in social media such as Facebook, but also Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter, and business media such as LinkedIn or even public responses on open trade websites such as the Israeli Yad2 or Craigslist, Amazon or Ebay).  The article was written by attorney Shelly Wilner of the Afik & Co law firm. The article in English may be found at the link: https://www.afiklaw.com/articles/a309

2. Corporate, Antitrust and Securities Law Update

Failure to transfer to a pension fund of funds deducted from employee wages will result in personal liability of employee shareholders. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/10588

Personal involvement must be demonstrated beyond being a shareholder in order to hold a shareholder liable for a company debt. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/10590

3. Commercial Law Updates

A notarized signature creates a hard to rebuttal presumption that the signatory understood the content of the document and willingly signed it. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/10592

Financial difficulties do not justify non–forfeiture of an autonomic bank guarantee. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/10594

Statements in employment relations will receive protection from defamation more easily than other statements. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/10596

4. Real Estate Law Updates

A license to use land that was unpaid for may be revoked even after decades. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/10598
