2021 13.01

1. I promised, but did not promise to keep- risk of contracting local authorities/Yair Aloni, Adv.

An article on the importance of taking the correct measures when contracting a local authority, in order to avoid a later repudiation of the agreement and refusal to pay the consideration. The article was written by Adv. Yair Aloni of Afik & Co. The article in English may be found at the link: https://www.afiklaw.com/articles/a326

2. Corporate, Antitrust and Securities Law Update

Parties may be part of an unregistered partnership even if they chose a different form of incorporation. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11791

A family company managed by only one of its shareholders is not necessarily deemed operating as a 'partnership'. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11793

3. Commercial Law Updates

A customer of advertising services who does not ensure that the contractor does not send spam messages will be personally liable for sending the spam. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11795

False representations in the 'Know Your Client' form justifies blocking a bank account. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11797

A descriptive mark is not eligible for registration unless a distinctive characteristic is added. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11799

4. Real Estate Law Updates

A creditor who possesses a negative cautionary note is deemed a secured creditor in bankruptcy of the landowner. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11801
