2019 21.10

The Executive Power established a “NATIONAL ANTICORRUPTION PLAN (2019 – 2023)” through Decree No. 258/2019 published in the Official Gazette on April 10th 2019.

This plan has 250 initiatives aimed at “consolidating and deepening the path of transparency in the public administration”. This plan complies with a series of “international conventions against corruption, organized crime and money laundering of the UN, the OAS,” and the standards provided by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

Firstly, the Plan highlights a series of laws and modifications promoted in recent years, such as the Law on the Right to Access Public Information, the Law of the Repentant for Cases of Corruption and the Law on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons, among other. Along these lines, “simplification and de-bureaucratization rules of the Public Administration” are also mentioned.

Secondly, it is expose the general aim that is “to consolidate the path of transparency, integrity, institutional and accountability strengthening” in public administration. Among the 250 initiatives, there is the “mechanisms to improve the transparency and efficiency of public procurement. This is specially emphasized to the public works. Another incentive is to ensure citizens access to public information truth the implementation of a uniform platform for the accountability of transfers, scholarships and subsidies “.
