2017 06.06

The Bi-Weekly Professional Magazine of Afik & Co, Attorneys and Notary

103 Hahashmonaim St., POB 20144, Tel Aviv 6120101, Israel,  Telephone: +972-3-609.3.609

Afik & Co. marque l'anniversaire du peintre postimpressionniste français Paul ‎Gauguin (7 juin 1848 - 8 mai 1903)‎

Afik & Co. marks the birthday of French post-impressionist painter Paul Gauguin (7 ‎June 1848 - 8 May 1903)‎

Article: Sale Promotion Lotteries ‎ ‎

An article on the legal manner of utilizing commercial lotteries‎ by Yaniv Friedhof ‎, Adv. of Afik & Co.

Corporate, Antitrust and Securities Law Update

A restaurant owner may be personally liable in case of employing of foreign ‎employees without permit

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Parties acting as shareholders in a company may be deemed such even if only one ‎was registered as ‎such

Commercial, Intellectual Property and Labor Law Updates

The period in which a person gave external services prior to becoming an ‎employee may be deemed ‎part of the employment period‏ ‏

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Non-disclosure of material information in executing transaction constitutes deception, ‎even if it was ‎done unintentionally

Administrative Law Updates

‎Revocation of a business permit requires due process including ‎reasonable time to prepare for a ‎hearing

Real Estate Updates

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎A cautionary note will not create a secured debt if a mortgage is already recorded

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