2018 10.03

Article: The Right to Terminate a Distribution Agreement in Israel / Yaniv Friedhof, Adv.

An article on the right of a manufacturer to terminate a distribution agreement and the rights of the distributor for compensation in such a case, by Yaniv Friedhof, Adv. of Afik & Co., whose main practice areas are commercial law, corporate law and immigration. The article in English may be found at the link: http://www.afiklaw.com/articles/a252

Globes: ElSight is raising ILS 24 million in a secondary offering on the Sydney Stock Exchange. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/press/p252

No oppression of the minority exists when the minority agreed to the “oppressing” terms and no legitimate expectation is impaired. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/6417

In a company that is managed as a partnership officers owe fiduciary duty both to the company and to the shareholders. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/6419 

Commercial, Intellectual Property and Labor Law Updates

Working on cellphone outside the working hours will not necessarily create an overtime payment liability.  Read more at:  http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/6421

A middleman need prove being the effective agent for the transaction itself and not only to have brought about an idea for a possible transaction in the field.  Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/6423

Notice of termination of a lease must be within a reasonable time and include all grounds for termination.  Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/6425

The tenders committee is entitled to cancel the win even after the tender has ended.  Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/6427
