2020 22.05
Imminent Risks and Future Challenges for Employers During and After Covid-19

The Legal 500 and ACG International (EALG member) hosted a webinar for general counsel and heads of HR in the Netherlands to explore the impact of the coronavirus on employment law.

The outbreak of COVID-19 and the response of the Dutch Government raises several challenges for employers (and, by extension, their legal advisers). This webinar examined developments in Dutch policy and suggests how it can serve as a useful lesson for pre-empting future risks and crisis scenarios.

It also featured reflections from GCs and heads of HR on how to respond to the crisis, how they are beginning to plan for the next Black Swan event, and how taking ownership of crisis response can boost your visibility within the organization.

The broad topics we explored were:

  • Becoming “corona-proof”: the dos and don’ts for your organization now;
  • Preparing for 2020: how to manage employees’ return to work;
  • Horizon-scanning: the role of GCs and HR directors in the post-corona world.

Watch a recording of the webinar here:
